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At Mpower, we are honoured to recognise the 2023 National Carers Week 2023, 15 - 21 October and celebrate the incredible unpaid carers across Australia who selflessly provide care and support to their family members or friends.
The theme this year, "Millions of Reasons to Care" aims to shed light on the 2.65 million carers in our country who often remain in the shadows, despite their invaluable contributions.
Carers Australia CEO, Jane Bacot-Kilpatrick, beautifully said, "Each and every one of Australia’s 2.65 million carers has a different story. Some have been carers for many years, while others have experienced it for a short space of time. No two caring responsibilities are the same."
National Carers Week serves as a precious opportunity to celebrate each of these unsung heroes and to increase awareness of the tremendous impact they make on our nation.
The Mpower Carer Support Program is here to support you and all the caring individuals who make a significant difference in the lives of their loved ones.
If you or someone you know could benefit from the Mpower Carer Support Program, please contact our dedicated Carer Support team on 5561 8111.
#NationalCarersWeek #MpowerCares #MillionsOfReasonsToCare